Monica’s Weblog

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Archive for conservative

Two Sides to Every Story…


Comparing two different blogs: Daily Kos and Michelle Malkin


While obviously promoting the far left agenda with serious postings, the site has several funny posts (albeit cheap shots!) regarding McCain and his older age. (Just as the site states in a posting entitled “Tech Illiterate:” “There are those who chafe a bit when we take shots at McCain’s age, but there’s always a deeper point lurking behind many of those shots (cheap or not).” Thursday had a long post about how McCain is stuck in the 19th century with pictures showing how outdated the technology was and how he thinks that that is actually state of the art because he does not understand the significance of being technologically aware.


There has been discussion regarding Obama’s birth certificate. In response to these rumors that he has a different name, etc, the site posted a photo of an ancient scroll stating that they have found McCain’s birth certificate, while stating:


“Thought lost for the ages, the document was found in a clay jar, in an abandoned cave, on the outskirts of Sedona, by a shepherd boy in 1947. The desert climate and the dry atmosphere in the caves kept the parchment remarkably well preserved. Unfortunately, the language on the document is in Essene, a language which has been dead for about 1,900 years. So, much like a lot of Senator McCain’s modern-day speeches, press releases, and interviews, nobody can really comprehend what it says.”


They frequently discussed the aspect of “change vs. experience” in this year’s presidential race, not only through these mentioned exaggerated postings, but as serious subject matter as well. It presents various polls showing that most Americans want someone who will take them progressively into the future and argues that it is vital for the next president to be able to take the nation into the 21st century; McCain has demonstrated that he is technologically illiterate. That McCain is old and unable to lead in a changing society is an aspect that the entire site has been focusing on this week. Also interesting to note is that the site posted McCain’s “beer gaffe” twice, with an Obama logo in with a beer background with the phrase, “Obama won’t veto your beer.” I did not find such intense scrutiny around Obama.


The site discussed the Dennis Kucinich impeachment articles against President Bush, but not with anger or amazement. It states: “Say what you like about Dennis Kucinich — and that’s partly what you’ll get the opportunity to do here — but by rights, George Bush ought to be impeached, and we all know it. Whatever the reasons for not doing this sooner may be — fear, political strategy, or what have you — this serves as a sort of historical marker of some importance. It will be preserved in the Congressional Record that someone objected.”


Just like on the DailyKos site, this site shows what the opposing candidate is doing all wrong, but without the type of humor that the DailyKos displays. It analyzes and critiques Obama and what the left is actively promoting and how that affects and will affect the nation negatively.


Throughout the week, her posts have discussed the “buzz around Obama’s birth certificate” (wondering why his campaign won’t release the document, and wondering what the big deal is) and how Obama wants to ban all gun stores within a 5 mile radius by schools and parks (which really means that he’s going to outlaw guns — by pushing them into rural areas). She even called him “D’OH-bama” in an article about him and his “mortage industry mess.” The DailyKos didn’t mention anything about that.


Considering its political stance and how she analyzes Obama’s campaign tactics, it’s interesting that she doesn’t automatically side with or defend McCain. She states in a post that “John McCain is stubbornly and foolishly sticking to his No ANWR drilling talking points.” I didn’t notice any of that objectivity on the former site.


Today’s lead story didn’t focus on the candidates: “Supreme Court opens up Gitmo lawsuit floodgates; Scalia: ‘The Nation will live to regret what the Court has done today. I dissent.’” The tone of the posting is one of disappointment and amazement that the far left do not realize what is now going to take place. She posted key passages of the majority’s opinion and of the dissenting opinions, along with various passages of reactions of other bloggers. In regards to this story, the DailyKos posted Obama’s reactions to the ruling and what he had to say about it today. It did not mention anything else about the ruling or how it will impact America in the future, or even if it was a blow for the Bush Administration. It simply posted Obama’s reaction.


Even the advertisements differed. On the DailyKos, there were banners like “No More John McBush!” While on Malkin’s site, they were catered more to a general audience. Banners for and AT&T were found on display.


Politics, politics!